Soroptimist International Antwerpen

This service club for professional women wants , on the occasion of its 75th anniversary, to support effectively, in the area of Antwerp and abroad, various organizations which aim to help disadvantaged people in our society.

HOME         Theme of our campaign: Fight against Poverty in Antwerp and in Afghanistan

This organization is hosting 40 children who urgently need didactic material for their play-room, in order to stimulate their motivation.

Young patients with heavy nutrition problems
The Queen Paola Hospital treats young patients with heavy nutrition problems. Financial support is needed to procure these children, from very poor families, adequate therapeutic food.

Educational support for autistic children
The non profit organization 'Het Raster' gives educational support to approximately 1260 families with introvert children suffering from autism. Raster gives these families special educational video home-training.

Aromatherapy for terminal patients
The Palliative Unit of the UZ Middelheim-Wilrijk has a department for terminal patients. Aromatherapy relieves the terminal patients from their endless suffering. This comfort therapy is very much appreciated by the patient's family.

Bevordering Sociale Integratie
VZW Diesterwegs’ Hulpkas is a non profit organization which protects from social exclusion children in need attending public schools in Antwerp. Diesterweg gives these children the opportunity and financial aid to participate in extra-curriculum activities.

Materieel voor Opvangtehuis voor Vluchtelingen
The Young Woman Christian Association runs a welcoming-center for refugees giving them the opportunity to take sewing and language classes. Soroptimist Antwerpen hopes to be able to give financial support for remodeling the old building and also for acquisition of specific didactic material.

Hulp voor kansarmen, generatiearmen en vluchtelingen
VZW Zenith is a local non profit organization which runs a welcoming center for very poor people and refugees. Not only financial help will be appreciated but clothing, food and toys for the children are also welcome.

Education for children-ex soldiers
VZW Sponsoring Oeganda is a non profit organization which helps young children (ex-soldiers) to be re-integrated in their community by offering them an especially adapted teaching program.

Women's house in Istalif, Afghanistan-our major project
A women's house has been recently build in Istalif to help women from Afghanistan to regain a better and more human lifestyle. This social center has a woman and children healthcare center, a teaching center for alphabetisation and a professional learning and training department.

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Copyright 2004 Soroptimist International of Antwerpen 11/01/2004